Habits: How To Make Them Last

Habits How To Make Them Last

We all have habits we’d like to stick with, whether taking a daily walk, eating healthier, or meditating. But forming a habit is often easier said than done. It’s a long-term process that requires determination and consistency. Fortunately, it’s possible to make habits last with the right strategies. This article will help you accomplish that by exploring what habits are, how they form, and how to stick with them. Let’s get started!

What are Habits?

Habits are behaviors that become automatic over time. They can be anything from brushing your teeth every morning, regularly completing the exercise, and always being on time for meetings. It can take up to several weeks of repeating an action for it to become a habit. The more you repeat the action, the more it becomes second nature and easier. Once established, habits can be incredibly beneficial by helping us form a routine and aiding us with daily tasks.

How do Habits Form?

Habits are the small, daily actions we do automatically, without even thinking about them. They’re often things like brushing teeth, drinking morning coffee, or exercising regularly. Habits are hard to make and can take anywhere between 18 days and 254 days to form, depending on the type of habit and how difficult it is to perform.

So, with this in mind, how exactly do habits form? According to research, habits are formed through a cycle of cues, routine, and reward.

Cue: A cue, also known as a trigger, initiates the behavior or habit. It’s the thing that makes you want to make the habit in the first place. It could be something like being hungry, seeing a co-worker go for a walk, or even a specific time of day.

Routine: The routine is the actual habit or behavior that you repeat. It’s the action you take to satisfy the cue. For example, if your cue was being hungry, your routine might be to make and eat lunch.

Reward: The reward is the satisfaction you get from completing the routine. It’s why you make the habit in the first place. For example, if you make and eat lunch, you might feel a sense of satisfaction and comfort after eating, which is the reward.

Now that you understand the three parts of the habit cycle, let’s look at how this cycle works together to form a habit.

When you experience a cue (i.e., being hungry), you perform a routine or behavior (i.e., making and eating lunch). Then, you receive a reward (i.e., satisfaction and comfort). The reward reinforces the behavior and makes you more likely to repeat it. The more often you repeat a behavior, the stronger the habit becomes.

By understanding the habit cycle, you can make adjustments that make it easier to form and maintain new habits. For instance, if you’re trying to form a habit of exercising regularly, you can create a cue (like setting the alarm) that triggers the routine (working out) and a reward (like a healthy snack or a hot bath) to reinforce the behavior.

Sticking With Habits

The biggest challenge when forming new habits is sticking with them for the long haul. The key is ensuring you are consistent and keep yourself from giving yourself room for failure. Set realistic goals, and don’t be afraid to adjust as needed. Ensure you reward yourself every time you complete a task and stay motivated. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up; refocus and try again. Finally, have someone to hold you accountable so that you’re more likely to stay on track with your goals. With these tips, you can make new habits that will last.

Create an Effective Reward System

Creating an effective reward system can be a great way to encourage yourself to stick with a new habit and make it last. Try to pick rewards that are meaningful to you – for example, if you’re trying to establish a daily exercise routine, reward yourself with a new workout gear or a massage after each successful week. You could also set micro goals and reward yourself for each milestone reached. Don’t forget to celebrate the bigger wins, too – if you succeed in developing an entirely new habit, treat yourself to something special!

Be Patient with Yourself

Taking on the challenge of developing a new habit can be daunting! Just remember to be patient and take it one day at a time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t stick to it perfectly – we all make mistakes and learn from them. Celebrate the small wins, and eventually, it will become second nature. Just focus on the long-term goal and stay consistent; you can make your desired habit last!

Reflect and Reassess Regularly

Reflecting and reassessing regularly is vital to making habits last. Be mindful of your progress and make any necessary adjustments to keep you on track. Periodically review and reflect on your progress and make any changes or modifications as needed. Have a plan for failure, and figure out ways to motivate yourself to keep going. Additionally, reward yourself when you observe the progress or reach a milestone. This will help keep you motivated and remind you to keep pressing on.


In conclusion, we have seen that habits are a powerful tool for self-improvement and transformation. They can help us become the person we want to be and open doors to success. We have looked at the fundamentals of habit creation and how to stick with them. This includes creating an effective reward system, being patient with yourself, and reflecting and reassessing regularly. By using these tips, you can ensure your habits last. So start developing healthy habits today—every small step counts!


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