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Overcoming The Lazy Brain: Strategies To Change Habits

Overcoming The Lazy Brain Strategies To Transform Habits

Do you need help finding the motivation to complete tasks or change habits? Is it hard to get started and even harder to stay consistent? Your lazy brain likely is to blame! Our brains are naturally wired to choose the path of least resistance, but it doesn’t have to be that way. This article will teach you strategies to help reprogram your lazy brain and make lasting habit changes. Read on to discover tips such as understanding the habit loop, changing your environment, and knowing what motivates you. With a few helpful strategies, you will be well on your way to transforming your habits!

What is the Lazy Brain?

The concept of the “lazy brain” is an expression used to describe the tendency of the mind to take the path of least resistance. This means it is more likely to stick to well-worn habits and routines than break out of them and try something new.

The lazy brain is simply a reflection of how our brains work as we seek to save mental energy and focus on the most urgent tasks or activities. It is often triggered by fear, stress, and anxiety, leading us to take the easier, well-worn route that requires less effort and will yield faster results. It happens to us all, and breaking away from the habits and routines that make us feel comfortable can be hard.

It’s important to note that a lazy brain is sometimes a good thing. We don’t want to eliminate it, as it can effectively conserve mental energy and find efficiency in our daily lives. But it is something we must be aware of so that it doesn’t become a barrier to growth, change, and progress.

The good news is that while the lazy brain can be a force to be reckoned with, it can also be trained. Through mindful practice and the implementation of certain strategies and techniques, we can develop the skills to recognize when the lazy brain is taking control, making it easier to resist the urge to go down the same paths we’ve always gone down and instead push ourselves to try something new.

How to Change Habits

However, there are strategies you can use to help transform those old habits into new ones.

First, start by understanding why you want to make a change. Knowing why you want to change will motivate you and boost you as you begin down the road to habit transformation.

Second, set realistic goals for yourself. Habits take time to form, so it is important to set small, achievable goals and celebrate each milestone you hit.

Third, create an action plan and stick to it. When creating your action plan, break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. And be sure to make each task as simple as possible so that you are more likely to stay on track and stick with it.

Fourth, reward yourself along the way. Rewarding yourself is an important part of changing habits, so set up milestones and rewards that will motivate you to keep going.

Finally, track your progress. Monitoring your progress can keep you motivated and help you see your progress over time.

Understand the Habit Loop

Understanding the Habit Loop is the key to breaking it. By understanding the three components of the Habit Loop – cue, routine, and reward – we can begin to see how our current habits are formed and make changes to break them.

First, let’s take a look at the cue. This is the trigger that gets the loop going. It could be anything from a particular person or location, to a certain time of day. Once the cue is identified, it’s followed by the routine. This is the behavior that you end up doing, like heading for the vending machine for a snack or checking your phone when you’re bored. Finally, there’s the reward. This is the gratification that comes from engaging in the behavior. It could be something tangible, like a bag of chips, or something more abstract, like feeling less alone in a public space.

Once you understand the three components of the Habit Loop, you can start identifying when and why you’re engaging in certain behaviors. This is the first step to breaking the loop and finding healthier habits you end up doing, like heading to the vending machine for a snack or checking your phone when s and finding alternative behaviors that provide the same reward without the negative consequences.

You can also use the Habit Loop to create positive behaviors. By setting up the right cues, routines, and rewards, you can develop positive habits that will benefit you in the long run. The key is to ensure that the reward is something you’ll enjoy; otherwise, it won’t be effective.

Change Your Environment

Start by recognizing any environmental cues that may be triggering your bad habits. For example, if you find yourself snacking on unhealthy food at home, it may be because your snacks are too close to hand. Moving them to a less convenient location may help reduce your impulse to reach for unhealthy snacks.

Likewise, if you find yourself scrolling aimlessly through social media, try changing your phone background or the apps you have open on your homepage – even the smallest tweaks can help you pause and be more mindful.

Decluttering your physical environment can also have a huge effect. Look at the items around you and what triggers they may send your brain. For example, if you’re trying to exercise more, putting fitness equipment in your home or office can be a powerful source of motivation.

Finally, remember your social circle. Who you associate with can have a big impact on your behavior. If you want to make a positive change, surround yourself with people who share your values and will support your efforts.

Start with Small Changes

It can be easy to try and do too much at once when making lifestyle changes. After all, why take small steps when you can make big ones and make them faster? Unfortunately, this kind of thinking often leads to frustration and, ultimately, failure. It’s better to start small and build up from there.

That’s why it’s important to look for small changes that can lead to larger ones. For example, if you’re trying to exercise more, you might start by taking a 10-minute walk every day. Or, if you’re trying to eat better, you might start by adding one healthy snack to your diet daily.

No matter what lifestyle change you’re trying to make, it’s best to break it down into small baby steps you can gradually work towards. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed, and you’ll be able to stay motivated to keep going.

Another great way to stay motivated is to track your progress. Keep a journal or use an app to track your progress so that you can look back and reflect on the progress you’ve made. It will also help you gain insight into what’s working and what isn’t so you can tweak and adjust your habits accordingly.

Finally, staying positive and rewarding yourself for making progress is important. Pat yourself on the back for even the smallest accomplishments, and don’t beat yourself up for mistakes. Remember, even small changes can lead to big results.

Know What Motivates You

One way to uncover your motivations is to ask yourself, ‘What is my driving force?’ Reflect on what you find meaningful and energizing in life. Do you find joy in connecting with others, helping people, or creating something from nothing? Your answer may be a combination of all of these. Think about what satisfies you and sets a fire in your heart and mind.

When you understand your motivations, making decisions and creating a plan of action will be easier. You will be more likely to focus on the things you enjoy and less likely to be pulled off track by laziness.

Consider the rewards of accomplishing a task. For example, if you are completing a project, think about the success you will have once you complete it. You could also focus on the satisfaction you will get when you accomplish a goal or reach a new level in your studies.

Align yourself with your motivators and consider how you will benefit from completing the tasks. This will help you stay motivated and energized, even when your lazy brain is trying to hold you back.

Finally, reward yourself for staying on track. Celebrate your progress and successes, no matter how small. Whether it’s a well-deserved break, a healthy snack, or a special treat, make sure you take a few moments to recognize your efforts and reward yourself for your hard work.

Use Technology to Help You Change

One of the most useful tools for breaking habits is an app. There are countless habit-forming apps available that are designed to help you create and adhere to healthy habits. Whether it’s a fitness tracker, a successful diet aid, or a simple goal-tracking app, there’s something out there for you. These apps provide goals and accomplishments that give you a sense of purpose and direction and also provide reminders and notifications that can trigger an action. This can help you build the momentum and discipline to change your habits.

Another technology-based solution is gamification. This means using aspects of game-playing like rewards, levels, and challenges to motivate you to reach your goals. With this strategy, you can find excitement and meaning in tracking and completing tasks, thus making the process of habit change more enjoyable. Several apps are designed to reward you for completing certain tasks or sticking with them over time.

Finally, another useful tool is virtual reality (VR). With VR, you can take a break from your everyday life and immerse yourself in a virtual world that can help you reset and create new habits. You can also use VR to learn more about yourself and identify any underlying thought patterns, triggers, and behaviors contributing to your current habits.


Changing habits can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be this way! With the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to overcome the lazy brain and modify the habits that are no longer useful or necessary. By understanding the habit loop, changing your environment, starting with small changes, knowing what motivates you, and using technology to help you change, you can break free from the grip of the lazy brain and take control of your life. Make time for the changes you want, and watch as your habits transform for the better!


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